Portrait von Jerzy Montag
Jerzy Montag
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Frage von Gabriele S. •

Frage an Jerzy Montag von Gabriele S. bezüglich Außenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen

Gibt es eine Einflussmöglichkeit auf die derzeitigen Verhandlungen von seiten des deutschen Bundestages, bzw. der Grünen, und wenn ja welche?
Was können Bürger tun, um europäische Standards zu verteidigen?

American activists urged European trade negotiators on Wednesday not to weaken environmental and food standards [...] on a trans-Atlantic free trade agreement.
[...] They included environmental organizations [...], labor representatives like the AFL-CIO and a range of food, agricultural, business and intellectual property interests.

Some of the speakers praised Europe´s approach to product safety, regulation of chemicals and strict limitations on food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) — [...]

"We are great admirers of the precautionary approach the European Union takes," said William Waren,[...] Friends of the Earth U.S. He said in Europe, the burden is on companies to show products are safe, as opposed to the U.S. where the onus is on the government to show products are unsafe.

Alexis Baden-Mayer, [...] Organic Consumers Association, urged European negotiators not to give in to U.S. pressure to relax tight restrictions on genetically modified food.

[...] "The frightening thing for American activists who think things are so much better in Europe is that there are some (European) countries willing to cooperate with the United States on this issue."

She urged the delegates to "take food off the table" in the trade talks.

[...] AFL-CIO, [...] warned Europe against adopting U.S.-style rules for the workplace and labor and said American workers would like to have the same information and consultation rights that European workers have with their labor councils.

[...] Soybean growers and other agriculture groups pressed for the easing of limitations on genetically modified food and biofuels and on meat that has been washed with chemicals.