Portrait von Gregor Gysi
Gregor Gysi
Die Linke
90 %
436 / 483 Fragen beantwortet
Frage von Talo M. •

Sehr geehrter Herr Gysi, muss DIE LINKE die Tarifautonomie für das belgische Lohnindexierungsmodell opfern? In Belgien setzt die Regierung Lohnobergrenzen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.

Man setzte auch Indexierungen aus, um preistreibende Spiralen zu durchbrechen: „[...] the federal government in Belgium made use of its prerogative granted by the Wage Law to set a comparatively moderate benchmark for wage rises for the 2011-12 and 2013-14 negotiation rounds, followed by suspension of indexation between April 2015 to April 2016, which helped close the [competitiveness] gap. [...] a wider reform of the Wage Law was implemented in 2017, making the determination of the maximally-permissible wage increase [...] binding [...] in salary negotiations. Moreover, the approach for deriving the ceiling was revised by introducing a correction term for past overshoots of wage developments between Belgium and its three neighbors as well as a safety margin to account for potential forecasting errors.“(IWF)
Belgische Arbeiter werden nun wieder staatlich verordnete Gehaltsmoderationen erleben. Widerspricht das nicht Ihrem Versprechen, Gewerkschaften Reallohnsteigerungen freizustellen?

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Portrait von Gregor Gysi
Gregor Gysi
Die Linke